Lydd 163-9 Clive Vale 164-8  Scorecard

Clive Vale were guests at Lydd again this week with both teams having a gap in their fixture card.

Having won the toss, acting skipper Steve Brook asked Lydd to bat in sunny but windy conditions.

Opening bowlers Liam Stamp (2-35) and Perry Harding (1-16) applied early pressure keeping the scoring rate below three an over. Despite the slow run rate, Lydd managed to lose only one early wicket with opener S.Smith (54) and S.Fletcher (61) putting together an excellent partnership. Vale spilled some chances to get rid of both batsman but eventually broke through with a lucky stumping by Steve Brook. A couple of run outs and some more wickets and the Lydd batting line up began to fold with wickets coming from Liam Bourne (1-14), Guy Wenham (2-38) and Chris Kirkham (1-26). At the end of their 40 overs, Lydd had made 163-9, a total which Vale were more than pleased with.

In reply Vale were 2-2 as skipper Steve Brook came out to counter attack making a very fast 35 which included 2 sixes and 5 fours. Chris Whiting played well for his 26 putting on a partnership of 61 with Andy Hayes (45). Second highest scorer was "extras" who scored freely with 41 as the Lydd bowlers continued to spray the ball down the leg side for wides and byes.

Clive Vale won by 2 wickets.